A Better Week


I must say that I was a bit overwhelmed at the beginning of this week.  Looking at my diary and seeing that I had so many commitments.

But I have coped well and can happily report that I have even had a couple of ‘good’ days in amongst the chaos.

I have been Blessed to have visits from family and friends and we even managed to go out and visit my Aunty who gave me just the dose of medicine the doctor ordered: lots of love, cuddles and encouragement.  It’s amazing how being comforted when you feel so down can lift you up and boost those happy hormones 🙂

I had appointments with both my Lyme Dr and a new Naturopath this week.  They are working together on my case (as it is a little complicated).  This is very reassuring as the lines of communication are open and the treatment for Lyme is a holistic one.  Your body needs to be in optimal condition before starting the heavy duty antibiotics or the ramifications can be horrendous (as I learnt when we tried to hit the bugs hard with full doses of abx and I thought I was going to die).

The Naturopath is amazing.  She is a beautiful soul and extremely knowledgeable.  We are working on a few priorities first.  I have to get my level of thyroid antibodies down, get my gut repaired and gut flora balanced,  open my detox pathways and decrease my inflammation.

It is now official that these little bugs are in my brain and nervous system.  This really scares me as I wonder if they will have any impact on my brain tumor.  I want that little bugger out ASAP, so getting my health back in order is a top priority for me.

I have started on some natural supplements and they taste shocking.  I was very nauseous at first, but that is subsiding, thankfully.  I will only increase from here.  I still have saliva and blood testing to do and depending on the results, I will be adding more sups to my daily list of concoctions.  I have also been told that I will need to IV chelation therapy.  This is rather daunting as it can take hours for the procedure.  Some people react poorly at first, but I am led to believe that once established, the results can be amazing.  I definitely like the word amazing! LOL

I don’t know how we are managing to make ends meet at the moment.  Hubby is taking care of the finances and I must say he is doing a great job.

It seems like the anti-depressant I started on a few weeks ago may be starting to kick in.  I haven’t been nearly as sad, although I still have quite high levels of anxiety.  At least I am not spending my days sobbing and desperate.  Great hey!

Well, I feel like this week we have accomplished so much.  We now have a treatment plan in place and I am coping much better at the moment.  I am trying so hard to focus on the positives and not how crappy I feel.  That can only be a good thing 🙂


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. suzanne Dalziel
    Oct 12, 2013 @ 19:33:27

    well done Terri keep up the good work


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